Bonnyville Dental Clinic
Dental Sealants
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Dental Sealants in Bonnyville

Dealing with cavities is no fun. Fortunately, there are many ways to correct this common dental issue, such as dental fillings and dental sealants.

Dental sealants are a particularly great option if you’re struggling to maintain good ora ; hygiene around your molars and premolars, since these teeth can be the hardest to brush. This treatment is effective for both youth and adults alike.

If you’re seeking more information about receiving dental sealants near you , get in touch with our local dental clinic today!

Dr. Peter Servinis

What are Dental Sealants?

The idea and application behind dental sealants are similar in nature to dental veneers. A dental sealant is a thin coating that is painted onto the surface of your teeth to cover up the grooves and fissures. This creates a barrier and stops bacteria and plaque and tartar from building up and therefore, cavities.

Letting your teeth go untreated may result in the need for more extensive and costly dental treatment in the future like root canal therapy.

The Process of Receiving Dental Sealants Near You

First, schedule a consultation with your dentist to determine if receiving dental sealants in Bonnyville is the best course of action for your specific case. If so, you’ll be able to proceed with the treatment.

Receiving dental sealants is a simple, painless process. First, your dentist will examine your teeth before cleaning them. This is done to make sure that there’s no lingering plaque. They’ll polish, rinse, and dry your teeth before applying the dental sealants.

Once they’ve been painted on , your dentist will use a special UV light to make sure they harden into place. And voila! All done!

It’s important to remember that dental sealants, while they are a great option to help boost your oral health, they do not replace regular brushing and flossing or periodic dental cleanings. If you practice good habits, your dental sealants should last up to ten years. If they’re damaged, however, a new sealant can be applied to your tooth.

Are you looking to receive dental sealants for you or your child in Bonnyville? Call or come into our dental clinic near you to book a dental consultation. We’re here to help you with all your dental needs. Our dentists will guide you through the process from beginning to end. We look forward to walking with you on your dental journey!